Consider This
Leave A Legacy.
There are many ways to leave a legacy with the Bob Mizer Foundation including through endowment funds and planned giving.
Bob Mizer Endowment Trust
Endowment funds are critical to the Foundation's efforts to ensure that the work of these mid 20th-century artists remains relevant today.
Those who create endowment funds inspire others through their generosity and play a key role in supporting the BMF to educate about the important, enduring and relevant lessons of these photographers.
Purpose: To establish an endowment fund to provide long term income to the Foundation or for other purposes as may be restricted by donors to the fund.
The Foundation has established and maintains the “Bob Mizer Endowment Trust” account into which funds received by the Foundation will be placed and invested for the long term benefit of the Bob Mizer Foundation. Gifts accepted by the Foundation to be placed in endowment are subject to the Gift Acceptance Policy of the Foundation. The Foundation will accept restricted funds and gifts established by individual donors or other contributors for any purposes within the stated mission of the Foundation on the terms and conditions contained in this policy.
Principles and Guidelines: The goal of the endowment fund Committee is to safeguard the fund for future generations while enabling the maximum amount of spending that can be maintained over the long term, ensuring that fund income is as stable and enduring as possible and that the stated wishes of donors are honored.
For more information, please contact us by clicking the "Need Help?" button at the bottom of this page.
What is planned giving?
Planned giving is a way to support a charity, such as the Bob Mizer Foundation, now or in the future. A planned legacy gift is any planned major gift that is part of a donor’s overall financial and/or estate planning.
What type of assets do people usually bequest to the charity?
People often donate cash or other assets such as life insurance. Other common types of planned giving include annuities, real estate, public company shares and charitable remainder trusts. It is possible to tailor these types of gifts to the needs of the charity and the personal financial and income tax situation of the donor.
What about income tax?
Donations will usually result in income tax savings to the donor or exemption from estate tax. Income tax rules can be complicated and one should always seek professional advice.
What do my friends mean when they say that they have set up an endowment fund?
You can make a donation to a charity to create an endowment fund. The actual money is invested, and the charity only uses the annual income from the investment, not the capital. Therefore, the original donation and resulting investment is preserved intact. Endowment funds can be named or unnamed. A named fund is a wonderful way to honour or memorialize loved ones.
How do I go about making such a gift to the Bob Mizer Foundation?
Many donors have the support of a qualified life insurance consultant that should be well versed in the area of planned giving. A consultant can anchor the process and draw in the expertise of the family accountant and lawyer, as required, depending on the complexity of the plan.
For more information, please contact us with the form at the bottom of this page.